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1 946 octets supprimés ,  4 mars 2018 à 20:03
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(Page créée avec « Category:Ascension Sachez que lorsque vous priez et consacrez votre corps à la Source Divine et d'être au Service à Autrui, en pratiquant le Bouclier 12D et en vous... »)
Ligne 15 : Ligne 15 :

==Soutien supplémentaire pour les Unions Spirituelles==
==Soutien supplémentaire pour les Unions Spirituelles==
As you may feel guided, these suggestions may be helpful to strengthen and clear interference from genuine spiritual marriages.
1. Reaffirmed to claim husband/wife and all their spiritual aspects, as your chosen spiritual husband/wife, in alignment to acknowledge your acceptance for what God source has chosen for me, that you accept them fully, now and always as my appointed spiritual husband/wife.
2. Consecrate the spirit and love in your heart to bless your spouse and to consecrate them to the Holy Spirit in your heart. ( I baptize my spiritual husband-wife through the love and spirit that resides in my heart).
3. Clear and denounce all sexual bonds, cords or Attachments with others that were made in error, ignorance, or obsolete, from past or other timelines of association.
4. Remove all false records, false holograms, and AI technology that has been used to direct manipulation, interference, gender splitting, Sexual Misery or harm to either of us, and of our spiritual marriage and highest mission for service.
5. Consecrate and bless our sexual organs and physical body to be made in God's image, as sacred and holy Rod and Staff.
6. Bless our sexual energies to be directed only for the purpose of building our hierogamic/sacred union, and our Diamond Sun Body, and to fulfill each others highest loving expression with each other, as God would have it be.
7. Ask God for all information we need to be aware of at this time, what I can do to be of service to support my husband/wife, and to guide us both to right action, right alignment and right purpose together.
I hope this is helpful for those of us that may have been undergoing these challenges of dark interference to weaken spiritual connections, and experiencing unity with others. I suspect that its just beginning and will be an issue for many more people on the earth, as connected to the spiritual emergency created during the Dark Night of the Soul.
Ces suggestions pourraient être utiles pour renforcer et nettoyer les interférences des véritables mariages spirituels.
Ces suggestions pourraient être utiles pour renforcer et nettoyer les interférences des véritables mariages spirituels.

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